Monday, January 31, 2011
maggie and drew:: engagement session
this is the type of thing that i should probably have on my photography blog...but i am terrible at keeping that updated. it is so much easier to blog about keller :) but considering the subjects (my sister and her fiance, uncle drew bear) i had to post these. they all turned out great, but these were just a few of my favorites. we are doing a second session in the spring once it warms up...and things turn green :) they were easy to make look good, such a handsome couple, as they say. enjoy!

Friday, January 28, 2011
my kind of january!
okay so i may or may not (hint may) be typing this from my back deck...while i sit on a lounge january...with a cold one...and by "one" i mean caffeine free diet coke ;) THIS is the kind of january weather that i can deal with! 75 degrees, sunny, not a cloud in the sky, no humidity. now if only the REST of the winter months would get their acts toghether....
Right Now Next 36 Hours
keller's day out
this past tuesday keller started his very first "school." i really wanted him to have some social interaction with other kids his age, besides just play dates and church nursery on sunday mornings. our church happened to have an opening and there was one of little buddies already in the class. i won't lie i was pretty nervous about taking and leaving him, just because i really enjoy spending my days with him, and i didn't know what he'd think about being in a strange place all day. well the minute we walked into his classroom he ran over to a tool bench work station and started laughing and playing....i talked to his teacher for a brief second, and said "bye bye keller", he had no idea i was even in the room, totally engulfed in his new environment :) it made me so happy! according to his teacher he had a great time and we are very much looking forward to next week! can't believe my little guy is old enough for this kind of stuff :(
ready to head out the door
his bag is bigger than he is :) it is getting monogrammed this week
"mom, this is so embarrassing...can we leave already??"
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
schedule change!!
this has been a big week for keller! he started mother's day out (post to follow) and he dropped his morning nap! he was taking a 2 hour nap every morning from 9-11 in addition to his afternoon nap from 1-3:30....well now he only naps once a day. right now we nap 12:30-3:30 ish, but i'm sure he'll be able to stay up later as he gets more adjusted to this new schedule. i can't believe what a big boy he is :( but i am loving having 2 more hours to play with him during the day! he is the sweetest little boy, and he loves his mommy right now so i'm trying to enjoy it, as i know that phase won't last long.
where did this little guy go!?!??
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
You heard right...
assuming that you've heard that KELLER IS GOING TO BE A BIG BROTHER!! :) but if you've heard something else, then you heard wrong. our bitty baby is going to be a big brother, it is hard for me to believe! we found out on chris' 3oth birthday that our family would be growing by 1 in august. we always knew we wanted our kids to be close together, and keller and baby a (we don't know boy or girl yet, obviously) will be 22 months apart. we probably won't find out gender until april, which seems like eternity away!! but this pregnancy is going by so much more quickly than my pregnancy with keller. i'm sure chasing a 15 month old does help with that :) everything else is exactly the same as my first pregnancy. no nausea, no sickness, very little tiredness...if i didn't have some tests and a sonogram picture, i wouldn't believe it was true. i'm hoping that means this baby will be just like keller. a great sleeper, happy, smiley, so pleasant to be around and of course SO STINKIN' CUTE all the time :) we can't wait until august!!
keller, showing off his little brother/sister
baby a....such a little peanut!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
keller 15 months
so the whole reason i started "blogging" was to have a digital scrapbook of our lives, so i could remember all the cutest things keller does, and when he reached certain milestones etc. they really do grow up so fast and if you aren't writing things down, you forget so FAST! so here is what a typical day looks like for keller now, and what he is up to!
7:15-7:30: mommy and daddy wake keller up, he smiles really big at us and immediately points and names several things in his room...not always in this order, but always these things 1)"pete" (his pistol pete cape), 2) "pi-date" (his pirate) 3) "bear" 4) "bible" 5) "rain-doe" (the pull on his fan, it's a rainbow, it was here when we moved in, chris wants to change it to something more manly)
then we change his diaper, and get him dressed for the day and he points out his window.."birdies??" "quirles?" looks for birds and squirrels
we come down and eat oatmeal with yogurt and then he chugs a cup of milk. this kid loves milk. then he gets down to play. he knows exactly where is toy cabinet is and he promptly opens both doors and drags out allllll his toys. right now his favorites are his "too-box" and his "buckeys". toolbox and buckets. he also loves to read, and is always reading his "apple" book.
then we lay down for a nap from 9-11ish
from 11-1 we eat lunch (usually chicken, peas and carrots, bananas, etc) and of course more milk. then we play. another nap in the afternoon from 1-3:30 then we play until daddy gets home. dinner is the same as lunch. then bath time, read our bible, pray and go night night.
some of his favorite things are.....
- daddy! he talks about him all day and RUNS to the door when he gets home
- checking the mail :) he likes to open the mailbox
- bath time he usually cries when it's time to get out
- milk as previously mentioned, he chugs it...the kid can't get enough
- sports our tv is generally on espn and he says "bak-e-ball" "foo-ball" "ball ball"
- his video your baby can read, and it does WORK!
his vocabulary has EXPLODED in the last month. chris and i were trying to count all the words he says (that he actually knows what they mean) and we got to 70 and stopped counting. he loves to repeat whatever we say to him and catches on to new words so quickly. okay okay, this has been a long post here are some pictures to ease all the reading pain :)
loves his bath time :)
and playing with daddy
first time to help mommy make cookies
i apologize...
okay, so i have been SO busy it seems lately, and have been so neglectful of my blog! i absolutely love reading my friends blogs and check them almost daily to see what new pictures or stories they have to share. i am always so disappointed and almost mad when they don't post for several am i supposed to keep up with them otherwise?!?! a phone call?? :) well needless to say, i can't do much worse, so starting today i am going to try to post SOMETHING at least every couple days. even if it's just an adorable picture of keller :) so, here we go!
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