Canon turned 4 months old on December 17th! I can hardly believe how quickly he is growing now that he is sleeping better at night ;) he FINALLY slept through the night back on November 5th (almost 3 months old) which was a big change from his brother (who slept through the night at 6.5 weeks old and never looked back). he has been so much more fun for mommy now that i am also getting to sleep :) here are some 4 months highlights:
- 26.5" long
- 15 lbs 11 oz
- getting more and more smiley everyday!
- he LOVES his big brother, and smiles really big anytime that keller is crying, it is so funny to me!
- on a 3 1/2 hour schedule... up at 7a, 10:30, 2p, 5:30, 9p down for the night.
- sitting up in his bumbo seat and his exersaucer
- eyes are still blue blue blue
- hair has fallen out, but is starting to grow back in, very light!
- wearing size 3-6 month clothes
- wearing size 3 diapers
here are some pictures of my sweet little man...enjoy :)

4 months old! 1/3 of the way to 1 year!

gaining on his monster

trying rice cereal for the first time!

he likes it! :) sweet little crooked smile :)