January 2016! A new year is here, already! It seems like Y2K was like last week....and here we are 16 years later! I truly cannot believe that Chris and I are already approaching our 8th wedding anniversary, that we have a 6 year old (Kindergartner!!), a 4 year old in his last year of preschool, AND an 18 month old little angel!! It's been so long so I have posted ANYTHING at all, and I want to do such a better job!! So, here goes an honest attempt at maybe a post/month on each of them. I love reading back on these posts, if only I could remember to write them ;)
Keller age 5, Summer 2015 ;) |
Canon, age 3 Summer 2015 |
Maggie Jane, 1 year old! Summer 2015 |