january 2009...
starting the first monday in january, i went to work for kirk fuqua state farm, yes the same office chris was working in. so many people told us that we would regret this, or that it would be tough on us and our marriage. i have to say that after working together for 6 months, we could not disagree more. we felt that the 6 months we spent working together, a mere 10 feet from one another were some of the most fun we've had! we definitely were spoiled by this situation and found it a hard one to transition out of, but there is a season for everything. i wish i would've known how much i'd love working for state farm, because i would've made the move much earlier. it's a fantastic company and one i'm proud to be a part of still! like a good neighbor right? :)

february 2009...
we enjoyed celebrating valentine's day...we had started trying to get pregnant in the middle of january and were hoping for some good news by valentine's day, so we were a little bummed to have no news to share on february 14th...

but then 3 days later, we found out we were PREGNANT!! we were so so so excited! chris was still at work when i took the test, i took 5 before i told him that evening...i wanted to be sure :) i made him brownies that said "congrats daddy" to tell him the good news!

march 2009...
we had our first doctors appointment and got the first official picture of the little atchley that was growing in my belly. here he is at just 7 weeks and 2 days old :)

april 2009...
we celebrated our 1 year anniversary! they say time flies when you're having fun and let me tell you that first year went by at super sonic speed! i can't believe still how lucky i am to have married my absolute best friend and i still take for granted how he builds me up daily. i wouldn't be myself without him, i love you christopher!

may 2009...
we found out we were having A BOY!! we were both so thrilled, although i'll admit chris was more excited than me, as i think most dad's are when they find out they are going to have a little mini-me to play catch with, teach life lessons to and raise up into a young man. we have a family tradition of going to bedlam baseball every year, and since we are such big baseball fans, we used this opportunity to tell our family that we were having a boy

our "england" family, enjoying the bedlam baseball tradition...note we bleed orange!

june 2009...
we took a family vacation with our wonderful atchley family. we went to orange beach and had a blast! carrie did all the planning so we just got to enjoy the fruits of her labor, it was so relaxing and enjoyable. we celebrated my 25th birthday while we were there, i felt so blessed to get to share it with my amazing in-laws, i'm a very spoiled girl. bare in mind that i'm 22 weeks pregnant in this picture, so don't hate the bump!
while we were in florida, we found out that we SOLD OUR HOUSE! after only 6 days on the market, the only words to describe this were "thank you God!" we know that he had his hand in every step of our moving process and it was so evident. i still miss our house in edmond sometimes, it was the first house we had together and i have such fond memories of our time there...but it does not compare to where God has taken us today.

july 2009...
after 19 months with kirk fuqua statefarm, chris took a new job (still with state farm) at the agency field office in lawton, ok. it was a wonderful opportunity for chris to advance his career with state farm and it has proved to be something that chris really LOVES to do. i am so proud of my husband the hard worker that he is. he is not recognized enough for all the fantastic things he does for the company he works for...so proud of you sweetie pie!

august 2009...
on august 7th, we OFFICALLY moved to duncan, ok. after living in a pretty urban area for the previous few years it has definitely been an adjustment, but one that we were more than happy to make and we absolutely love it here. we are thankful that God chose to move us to such a wonderful small town where we can be close to family and that he blessed us with a gorgeous new home...here is a tiny picture

september 2009....
getting bigger all the time, i think this picture might actually be from october, but you get the point, waiting around and getting bigger

we also spent the month getting keller's nursery ready for his arrival. it's crazy to look back at this and remember how it felt to not have him here with us, he definitely increased the cute factor when we laid him in his crib for the first time :)
october 2009....
october 21st at 3:40 in the morning we welcomed our beautiful baby boy keller oran atchley into the world. our lives changed drastically, definitely for the better and we already can't imagine ourselves without him. God truly blessed us with the best baby, we know it's not always this easy, so we are thankful!

november 2009...
we celebrated our first thanksgiving as a family of 3! keller was a big hit of course as the cutest little turkey :)

we had lots of family visit when keller was born, but we were blessed to have our family from alabama come during thanksgiving so we were able to spend more time with them and really enjoy their visit...thanks for making the 13 hour drive!

december 2009....
we played mary, joseph and baby Jesus in our church's Christmas play. it was such a fun experience that we almost passed up. my dad was also in the play as one of the 3 wisemen, he and keller had a special role, it brought the house down :)

clearly 2009 was a big year for us, and one that we will always look back on with happy memories. however, we are so excited to see what God has in store for us this year, hopefully i will do a much better job of blogging...cheers to 2010!
so excited to keep up with you guys through your blog! call if you ever come this way! We'd love to meet Keller and to play:)