my little man is 4 months old today! i can hardly believe where the time has does he get so much bigger every month so quickly?? i am so looking forward to the next several months and how much he's going to change even more! here is a little run down of keller at 4 months:
- been sleeping through the night for a LONG time, since before 2 months
- ALWAYS and i mean always, chewing on his left pointer and index finger
- loves his "moo cow mat", exersaucer, and caterpiller/lobster toy
- sleeps great during his naps (on a 3.5 hour schedule, taking 4 naps a day)
- smiles and laughs at mommy and daddy, definitely recognizes us
- puts all toys in his mouth
- rolls from belly to back, but not back to belly...almost there
- always trying to sneak and watch tv :)
- reaching for things and pulling
- likes to be scared
- drools like a faucet!

4 months old today...02.21.2010

comparing to his monster...growing bigger each month, keller, not the monster :)

hi everyone, i am the cutest 4 month old around! :) maybe my mom is biased??
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