keller turns 8 months old today! w-o-w. 2/3 of a year, and he is such a big boy! we don't have a check up until next month, so i don't know an official weight or height but i can fill you in on all the things he is doing....
- teething, still no teeth to speak of, but 2 that are right at the surface, see pictures in a follow up post
- rolling, everywhere, and i mean everywhere
- not crawling, but definitely making vast improvements...getting closer every day.
- smiles all the time
- jabbers, no real words but can say ma, ba, be, da, jay, gee
- loves watching his "your baby can read" video
- can read the word clap, i have video but can't figure out how to upload it
- reaches for things he wants
- sits up independently
- loves his johnny jump up
- went on his first airplane ride, and trip to mexico
- loves the water, isn't afraid of going under and loves splashing

picture with his monster, we officially out grew the long sleeve onesies

i'm 8 months old!

my smiley guy

check out these legs?!?

lol, couldn't resist this hilarious picture
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