Monday, September 19, 2011

Canon at 1 month!

Canon is already 1 month old! (on 09/17) in some ways it went by so fast, and in others (waking to feed him at night) it went by slower ;) we went and weighed him on Friday, the day before he turned 1 month old. he was 6.11 when he was born, and had gained back up to 7.4 at his 2 week checkup. the lactation consultant told me to expect him to gain between 1/2 oz-1 oz each day, so I was guessing he'd weigh between 7.13-8.5...well he weighed 9.8!! I was so happy to see that on the scale because he is definitely a different kind of nurser than Keller was! I hate to "compare" him to Keller, but that is all I know as far as newborns go, so that is what I find myself doing with somethings. Keller would usually nurse for 30-45 minutes, well Canon will nurse 20 total minutes if I'm reallllly lucky. This had me worried about how much he was getting. Now, knowing that he is gaining plenty of weight I feel much better! He is a good baby, and a good sleeper. He sleeps pretty well for all his naps, and is waking just once during the night. The only "problem" is that his 1 time to wake is very random and sporadic each night. Sometimes it is at 1:30, sometimes 3:00. So it is hard to know what to expect and it is hard to feel confident about him getting the hang of sleeping through the night anytime soon...but I am really hoping and praying that he will figure it out in the next several weeks! He has been such a wonderful addition to our family and I already can't imagine us without him! He is the sweetest baby! Here are a few "1 month pictures"
Mimi (Chris' mom) came to visit on his 1 month birthday!
9 lbs. 8 oz. of 1 month old sweetness :)
Sizing up with my monster....

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