Saturday, May 19, 2012

official 9 month stats!

i did a post on his almost 9 month now that he 17th has come and gone, we have official stats :)  he is still our very healthy baby boy! 21 lbs 1oz, 29 in. long.  he did great at his well check, passed with flying colors :)  we still aren't crawling, so she wants to see that change before his 12 month check up...surely he will decide to start moving by then :)  here are a few pics from his 9 month shoot!
 9 months old with my monster

 i'm such a big boy!!

 my sweet little blue-eyed baby :)

giggling at daddy

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy the non-mobile baby while you can!! I actually loved that H was pretty stationary because when she did start moving she was prepared and cautious so there as a tad less "gasping" than if she would have been younger. I know I say this every time I see Canon's picture but OMG he is just the cutest little guy ever (well next to Keller that is!) Miss you! xo
