Just an update on the growing baby and the growing belly! I had an appointment this week and Dr. Hall told me "Everything looks great!" We didn't have an ultrasound or anything, just measuring blood pressure, measuring where he is in my belly, checking his heartrate (150 bpm) and I had to get the shot for mommy's who are RH-. It was mildly unpleasant but I am sure the worst is yet to come as far as pain goes :) According to everything I have been reading he is somewhere in the 12 in. long range and weighs around 20.8 oz. More than a pound!! He is a very active little guy and I can always tell when he's awake because he does quite a bit of kicking and moving around...which I really like, it makes me smile to know that he is having a good time in is temporary living quarters!
Here is a belly shot at 24 weeks...you can compare it to the others from a few posts back. I feel like we have some major growth now, and am pretty confident that I will continue to grow quite a bit each week until he's here....I can't wait!
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