okay, so i just got a new ipod (my original ipod was stolen, the thief has since been busted, jailed and my ipod has been returned but that's another story) and it has a video camera!! it is SO easy to sync up to my computer! i shot a test video to see if this would really be so simple...i was PLEASANTLY surprised! needless to say this is going to make this blog so much better for sharing firsts...rolling over, crawling, words, steps etc. this video is just 30 seconds long, but it's one of my favorite things to do with keller, make him laugh :) enjoy!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
first tooth!
keller is starting to get his first tooth! he's been showing the signs of teething for a month and half (lots and LOTS of drool, chewing on anything he can get in his mouth, sucking on his hands/fingers, running a low grade fever off and on etc) so i've been checking his gums regularly to see if any little teeth were showing up and last week i finally saw one! right in the front you can just barely see it...if you put your finger on his gums you can feel it pushing against his gums (poor little guy) but it's still not quite through the surface yet. this is a sad stage for me because i just LOVE his gummy little smile, have i said that before? it melts my heart and makes me fall in love with our little man everytime he flashes it at me! i know we are still pretty far away from a mouth full of big boy teeth, but this is just one more step closer :( on the flip side, i'm a very proud mom that he is growing up and turning into a big boy! everyone tells you that it flies by, but you just can't believe it until it's your turn, i'm trying to enjoy every second that i can!

you have to look close through all the drool...

it hasn't broken the surface yet....

right above his lip line...

arrows to help...i was taking these pictures alone AND trying to hold his mouth open and keep his hand out of it, so needless to say, not the greatest but you can see pretty well
butternut squash
this past sunday keller started a new chapter in his life...vegetables!! now for most people eating veggies just isn't that fun, exciting or something that needs to be documented via photographs...but i have a sickness :) when i was at my local grocer last week i remembered that special k would be eating his first veggies on sunday so i went to check out what options i had to give him. i didn't want to do sweet potatoes or anything else that would make other vegetables seem yucky after the fact, so i was going to do green beans, well they were all out, so it came down to carrots and butternut squash, and the butternut squash won. dr cox told us to try only 1 vegetable at a time and give each a few days to make sure he's not allergic to it. so far so good with the b.s. (for lack of a better abbreviation). he really likes them and is enjoying getting fatter by the minute! mommy and daddy are enjoying it too :)

grandma jana administering the first bite!
(please disregard the black socks and no pants)

not sure what to think, but still going in for a 2nd bite...

yum yum, i love this stuff! way better than plain rice cereal!!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
halfway through!!
45 days down....45 days to go! as you have probably figured out i'm referring to p90x...today is day 45 and chris and i both could not be happier! well unless it was day 90 i guess :) we are both feeling really great still and feeling more and more motivated everyday, although not getting to enjoy all the yummy things that our friends and family are enjoying is still pretty killer. chris is down a total of 21 lbs and i am down 12 lbs. yes that's only 1 more than i was at 30 days, but that is what happens to me, the actual weight loss slows way down due to that fact that i'm building muscle. i am still encouraged though because my clothes are continuing to "grow". i won't lie, i feel like my stomach will not be the same by the time we finish merely because of the stretching process involved in having a baby. that being said i'm just trying to keep my eyes on day 90 (may 8th, mother's day weekend, how appropriate) and i am just continuing pushing play!! can't wait to be finished and enjoy some yummy chips and salsa!! but for now, bring it!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
5 months old!
we made it another month! :) this month was a pretty big one for keller, he seemed to hit several milestones all at once...i'm not ready for this growing up stuff! he started eating rice cereal, moved to a 4 hour schedule (which means sleeping 7p-7a), lost his swaddle, started reaching for everything and we can see his 1st tooth right below the surface! he is still such a great baby for us. he sleeps so well and is soooo happy when he's awake. he is a big time smiler and a ham for strangers :) anytime someone sees him in the grocery store and talks to him he flashes his big gummy smile at them and it cracks them up, i can see he's going to be like daddy :) he laughs all the time and thinks that chris and i are both pretty hilarious (i am really playing this up while i can, i know it won't last forever) he has the first 2 fingers of his left hand in his mouth pretty much constantly, but our pediatrician says it's okay, so i let him suck away. he is the best little man that we could have ever asked for and we are excited for this next month's firsts!! starting with vegetables tonight, i'll post pics after :)

sitting with my monster, i'm really outgrowing this short little thing

he wanted to play with him, not take a picture :)

2 fingers from left hand in my mouth....check

ornery little guy :)

the many faces of keller...the last sweet smile is my favorite :)
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
here comes the sun!
so the sun is finally showing it's face around here! and we have a fun swingset in the backyard to play on!! so keller and i got our shades on and headed out to play for a while this afternoon! he loves his swing and had so much fun playing outside with momma! i'm excited for it to get warmer and warmer so we can lose the beanie hat. the swing almost puts the little guy to sleep so we have to shake things up and go down the slide too...he lol's at that :) can't wait to spend lots of hours out there! stay around sunshine!!!!

hurry momma, let's go outside!!

chillin' in his swing

swinging in mom's lap, i love that little guy
meeting aunt allie :)
allison is one of my very best friends from BACK in the day :) she came to the hospital the day keller was supposed to be born so she could meet him but due to us getting admitted way late etc, he wasn't here yet to meet her...and she's a busy busy working girl so she hasn't had a chance to come back and meet the man, so i called and left her a voicemail to make her feel guilty and it worked!! :) haha we love you allie and can't wait to see you again soon!

hangin' with allie, trying to rub off some orange on her ;)
Sunday, March 14, 2010
after all our hard work...
okay, this might make you laugh or it might make you think chris and i are out of control....for Christmas, keller got a swing for the back yard. we don't have any trees or anything so we were going to just hang the swing on our porch. the problem was the back of our house faces the north so there is no sun on the porch. we wanted to get a "little swing set" to hang the swing from so it would be in the sun. well, you know how it goes, you start looking at sets and before you know it you've gone from a "little swing set" to "a-fort-with-monkey-bars-a-slide-a-club-house-glider-picnic-table-and-swings" long story short....keller is one lucky man with a SU-WEET new playset. it took chris and i 2 afternoons to put this beast together (with a little help from granddad rusty). i know the pictures make it look like it wouldn't be a big deal but that is just not true. the play set got in on a friday morning, granddad rusty picked it up in 3 BIG BOXES. i spent about an hour and half opening them and laying all the pieces out and labeling them so the putting together would be easier. saturday morning (while chris and my dad golfed) i put together the slide, the monkey bars and the ladder. well i botched the slide so it had to be redone once the muscles showed up :) by the end of saturday we had the fort up and built, but no walls or attachments. after church on sunday chris and i were back at it and finished the entire thing by sunday evening. keller didn't get to play on it because he was napping and then it was bed time but tomorrow he will get to play on it in all its glory! this is going to be such a fun new thing for cousins, play dates and every day play in the sun!!

the monkey bars....

the picnic table...

the clubhouse...

the entire thing in all it's beauty....

so proud of all our hard work!! we may look rough, but we earned it :)
Saturday, March 13, 2010
my future's so bright i gotta wear shades
i have been looking for sunglasses for keller for a few weeks now, and now that it's getting nice outside we will really be out doors more often i finally found some :) they are bronze aviators and he looks SO CUTE in them...although i am his mother so of course i think that. his mimi bought him a swing set and it just came in yesterday so we've been outside putting it together (another post will follow when we FINALLY finish it) keller sat in daddy's lap yesterday afternoon while i worked, so he had to have his shades...he loves being outside, fortunately for me ;)

hi momma! don't i look cute?

both my favorite guys :)

lol, i just love this...love. it.
practice makes perfect
not for those with a weak stomach
okay, so i thought i had changed the dirtiest of diapers as far as 4 month old baby boys go...ohmigosh, i could NOT have been more wrong. chris have keller sit in his bumbo seat and play while we eat dinner sometimes to teach him how to behave during dinner time. well the other night we were sitting there eating and talking, mostly about how cute keller was being. then he starts kinda grunting and getting red in the face, and we are both like "oh, here comes a dirty diaper" well he just starts smiling and playing with his toys after that and just laughing and cooing so we go on about our dinner and get his room ready for bed. chris goes to get him out of his seat and then the issue starts. he sees keller has had a "blowout" well i'm of course laughing because he blewout his "i love aunt maggie" shirt, then i realize this is the most disgusting thing i've ever seen. we had to hose the kid off in the bath tub and THEN move him to the sink because the water wouldn't drain fast enough. we were both cracking up and gagging and keller was just smiling away the entire time...after of course i took a few pics :)

a rare picture of an unhappy keller, his shirt said "i love aunt maggie" ....

but i think this shows how he really feels ;) jk aunt mannie
Thursday, March 11, 2010
new cousin...
so this is a little late, but a few weeks ago my cousin clint and his wife shauna welcomed their 2nd little baby, a boy, kalai palacol :) he is absolutely precious and keller was of course so excited to meet him :) keller is so lucky to have so many friends born around the same time he was born, he is going to have lots of little buddies around here to get into trouble with as they all get older. so happy you're here kalai! we love you!

proud momma's with their little men
look close for kalai :)

keller and kalai, meeting for the 1st time, they're both so excited ;)
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
happy birthday aunt carrie!!
today is aunt carrie's (chris' sister) birthday!! she, kevin and their adorable little man jackson live in st. louis, so we don't always get to celebrate together...but keller wanted to make her a sign for her birthday, so we worked on that this morning :) we hope you love your gift (and that it made it to you in time)!! can't wait to see all of you guys hopefully very soon! love you all!

"do you think she can see this mom?"

happy birthday aunt carrie :) from your youngest nephew! love you!
spyce suzanne
spyce finally got to meet our little man! she came by to bring him the cutest pillow and blanket. the tag blanket has sports balls all over it and keller has already fallen in love with it! the pillow is a "tooth pillow" and it has o-state logo's on it and his name on the pocket where he will put his teeth when they fall out, in exchange for tooth fairy money :) this is the perfect gift from spyce, our little dental queen :) her dad is a dentist here in duncan, so she has always had a love for dental hygiene, thanks for looking out for our little guy's teeth...even though he doesn't have any yet :) love you spyce!

i love my pillow and tag blanket! thanks spyce!
sugars from mimi
mimi came to visit us this week and moved some more things into her new house! we had so much fun playing with her and getting things started on her house. keller was sad to see her go but it's so exciting knowing she'll be here permanently soon! we love you mimi!

he loves his mimi :)
day 30!
okay, so we are OFFICIALLY 1/3 of the way finished with p90x round 2! i am down 11 lbs even as of this morning and can definitely tell i've lost inches from my waist, thighs etc. chris on the other hand is down 18 lbs and has a much more noticeable difference than i do, but i was prepared for that. we are both feeling very motivated as we are finally starting to see some results from all the excruciating work and lack of good food :( i won't lie, it's been much more difficult this time around. i really enjoyed eating WHATEVER i wanted for 12 months while i was pregnant and learning the ropes of being a new mommy. this has been a definite change, but one that i needed to make and i feel much better about myself already, and we still have 60 days to go...phase 2, bring it!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
another first :(
on monday morning keller woke up with just a hint of a cough, so i listened all day and it seemed to get better as the day went on so i didn't think much about it. well tuesday it got worse and was accompanied by some morning snot. we called dr cox, our pediatrician and she said he probably has the viral infection that's going around and recommended a humidifier in his room and nasal saline drops/snot sucker. we started that yesterday afternoon and he seems to be getting a LITTLE better, but he's no where near his normal happy go lucky self. thankfully he is still sleeping well though, i know he needs good sleep to get over this. it's so sad to watch him try to play with his toys only to be interrupted with a coughing fit. pray that our little guy gets over this thing quickly...it's heartbreaking!

mommy, i don't feel good :(
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