keller is starting to get his first tooth! he's been showing the signs of teething for a month and half (lots and LOTS of drool, chewing on anything he can get in his mouth, sucking on his hands/fingers, running a low grade fever off and on etc) so i've been checking his gums regularly to see if any little teeth were showing up and last week i finally saw one! right in the front you can just barely see it...if you put your finger on his gums you can feel it pushing against his gums (poor little guy) but it's still not quite through the surface yet. this is a sad stage for me because i just LOVE his gummy little smile, have i said that before? it melts my heart and makes me fall in love with our little man everytime he flashes it at me! i know we are still pretty far away from a mouth full of big boy teeth, but this is just one more step closer :( on the flip side, i'm a very proud mom that he is growing up and turning into a big boy! everyone tells you that it flies by, but you just can't believe it until it's your turn, i'm trying to enjoy every second that i can!

you have to look close through all the drool...

it hasn't broken the surface yet....

right above his lip line...

arrows to help...i was taking these pictures alone AND trying to hold his mouth open and keep his hand out of it, so needless to say, not the greatest but you can see pretty well
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