Tuesday, March 9, 2010

day 30!

okay, so we are OFFICIALLY 1/3 of the way finished with p90x round 2!  i am down 11 lbs even as of this morning and can definitely tell i've lost inches from my waist, thighs etc.  chris on the other hand is down 18 lbs and has a much more noticeable difference than i do, but i was prepared for that.  we are both feeling very motivated as we are finally starting to see some results from all the excruciating work and lack of good food :(   i won't lie, it's been much more difficult this time around.  i really enjoyed eating WHATEVER i wanted for 12 months while i was pregnant and learning the ropes of being a new mommy.  this has been a definite change, but one that i needed to make and i feel much better about myself already, and we still have 60 days to go...phase 2, bring it!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh Katie - that is amazing! you are such a trooper. i need to be taking notes from you!

    Keep up the good work!!!

    P.S. - we tried the spaghetti squash- LOVED it!!
