Saturday, May 22, 2010
1 whole month of catching up!
apparently i've been a busy girl because i've neglected my blog for the entire month of may. i'd like to keep my resolution to keep this updated for the purpose of easily looking back on keller's 1st year, so i played catch up tonight. we leave for mexico for a week on thursday and then i'm sure i'll get back on track in june :) i think there are 5-6 new posts below...enjoy!
day 90!!!
okay, so this is somewhat late, but i have good 90 was technically may 8th, but i decided to keep working at it until we leave for mexico this thursday. i am contemplating putting my before and after pics up, without my face of course. everytime i think i have the guts to do it, i talk myself out of it! as far as results so far, i have lost 20 lbs even, i didn't measure how many inches i started but i am down 3 sizes, and feel like i'm in better shape than i was the first time i finished. i didn't gain a ton of weight with my pregnancy so i'm definitely in better shape than before i had keller, which is refreshing to know that it's possible to lose baby weight, that is something that i know i worried about throughout my pregnancy. i really enjoy p90x and the challenge i get from the workouts, but i am thinking about starting insanity for the summer, i've heard it's hard but i'd like a change i think. i am running 4-5 days a week and i love it. my sister and her sister-in-law have started running in some 5k's around our state and i'm encouraged to start doing the same! okay posts about myself aren't as much fun as posts about keller, so i'll wrap this up. bring it!
sitting up like a big boy
7 months old!
keller turned 7 months old on may 21. we can hardly believe how much he's grown in the last month! here is a quick update on his latest tricks, likes, dislikes and what a typical day is for our little man:
- on his 7 month birthday, he started sitting up all by himself (picture to follow)
- he can roll back to belly, belly to back and does so ALL the time when he's lying down :)
- can stand unassisted if he has something to hold onto, but is not pulling up
- will sometimes imitate sounds and "words" (ex: baby, dadadada, mama, jj...)
- smiles and laughs pretty much all the time, he's still our happy little guy
- loves loves loves to be thrown into the air
- likes to dance
- flirts, with everyone, but especially girls who talk and smile at him
- not crawling, but scooting on belly....only backwards :)
- great napper and sleeper
- eats anything and everything you put in front of him, is not picky about foods that we introduce to him
- still teething, but no teeth to show for it
- can use his hands to grab and reach for things, developing hand/eye coordination
- still very attached to his pointer and middle finger on his left hand, has them in his mouth most of the day
- likes to play outside with mommy, looks very cute in swim trunks ;)

7 months old on 05.21.2010, holding hands with my monster friend :)

"mom, are you seriously still doing this??"

close up...

i love this sweet little face

wrestled his monster friend down for the count!!
keller and great granddad roy
aunt manny's graduation!!
the saturday before mother's day my younger sister maggie (who we affectionately call aunt manny thanks to riggs) graduated from oklahoma state! i can hardly believe her 4 years in stillwater are already up! she is the baby of our family and now she's a college grad! we all made the weekend trip to stillwater to watch her walk and celebrate with some hideaway pizza of course :) maggie loves pasta, so we made her "spaghetti and meatball" cupcakes as a graduation cake, they turned out pretty cute! we got the idea from the book hello cupcake we are so proud of you maggie and can't wait to see how your life changes, like franky says..the best is yet to come!

sisters, sisters, sisters!

4 proud oklahoma state grads! sally, maggie, katie and our cousin amber

keller with aunt manny, the college graduate

my mom, maggie (my younger sister) and my dad

"spaghetti and meatball" cupcakes, her graduation cake

her adoring fans...well a least a few of them

way to go manny! we're so proud of you!!
auntie said i could
when we found out we were pregnant with keller, we met my sister sally and her husband jj to surprise them with the good news and it all the sudden hit me that we were going to make them an aunt and uncle! well sally took the next 9 months to decide she wanted to be called "auntie", not aunt sally. well, once i found this onesie i had to buy it for says "auntie said i could" he wore it during a fun weekend in stillwater, we had fun guys!

aunt sally making the boys laugh

sally, my older sister, and our sweet little guys

"auntie said i could" i'm sure she did!!
i love grandma
picture update
my newest cousin...ernest palacol iv
my cousin trey (ernest palacol iii) and his wife kindra had their first baby, a boy, ernest palacol iv. he is going to go by kai though. he was born on april 26th, and keller and i got to make the trip over to norman to check him out when he was just 1 day old! he is so cute and we feel so blessed to get to add him to our family! congratulations to the palacols!

kindra, kai, katie and many k's!!

getting a good look at my new cousin

kai, 1 day old....keller 6 1/2 months, both with rocking mohawks
will the real keller atchley please stand up?
this is from the very first sunday in may, keller was waiting for mommy and daddy to get ready for church so he thought he'd just practice his standing :) i can't believe how big he is getting so quickly! he loves his music table, it sings the abc's to him, in english and espanol!

standing up against my toy...i'm so big!
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