keller turned 7 months old on may 21. we can hardly believe how much he's grown in the last month! here is a quick update on his latest tricks, likes, dislikes and what a typical day is for our little man:
- on his 7 month birthday, he started sitting up all by himself (picture to follow)
- he can roll back to belly, belly to back and does so ALL the time when he's lying down :)
- can stand unassisted if he has something to hold onto, but is not pulling up
- will sometimes imitate sounds and "words" (ex: baby, dadadada, mama, jj...)
- smiles and laughs pretty much all the time, he's still our happy little guy
- loves loves loves to be thrown into the air
- likes to dance
- flirts, with everyone, but especially girls who talk and smile at him
- not crawling, but scooting on belly....only backwards :)
- great napper and sleeper
- eats anything and everything you put in front of him, is not picky about foods that we introduce to him
- still teething, but no teeth to show for it
- can use his hands to grab and reach for things, developing hand/eye coordination
- still very attached to his pointer and middle finger on his left hand, has them in his mouth most of the day
- likes to play outside with mommy, looks very cute in swim trunks ;)

7 months old on 05.21.2010, holding hands with my monster friend :)

"mom, are you seriously still doing this??"

close up...

i love this sweet little face

wrestled his monster friend down for the count!!
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