Wednesday, April 21, 2010

happy birthday aunt maggie!!

so about 3 seconds after keller was born, we figured out that he would turn 6 months old on aunt maggies 23rd birthday! and now i can't believe that day is here! chris and i (along with the rest of our family) get to celebrate with maggie tonight at mama roja's, but keller will be staying with his favorite babysitter kennedy, so he wanted to make aunt maggie a sign so she'd know he didn't forget about her special day...he says "i love you aunt maggie! happy birthday from your favorite 6 month old!"
"oh, i'm so excited! i hope she likes my sign!!!"
i think this is funny it looks like he's unfolding it :)

6 months old!

i can not believe my little man is 6 months old today! halfway to 1 year...where does the time go, seriously?!?! he is turning into a little boy day by day...he is now rolling EVERYWHERE, smiling and flirting with any girl that talks to him or looks his way, jabbering non stop (some sounds he can make are "ba" "ma" "woo" "da" "ha" "hi") he doesn't know what he's saying means, but i like to talk back to him anyway :) he is drooling and spitting all the time, he thinks it's funny to blow spit between his lips (imagine making a car sound..brrrrrr) he still thinks mommy and daddy are the funniest people he knows but he also LOVES grandma, granddad, riggs, his church nursery friends, and miss pollock his sunday school teacher. and we are of course missing mimi, abuelo, jackson and all our far away family :( here's hoping we'll get to make some summer trips! here are his "growing baby" pics for this month!
growing like a bad weed.... :)
towering over mr. monster man (whom he LOVES)
"mom this is so embarassing!"
blowing spit bubbles...his favorite thing :)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

5 new posts below!!

allllmost sitting up

keller can sit unsupported but he kind of starts to fold in half like cheap table :) he sort of understands to use his hands for support but if he has something he can chew on, he's more interested in that. he really is starting to do big boy things though...i'll post later when he actually CAN sit up :) he is rolling all over the place though and if i could ever catch it on video i'd post that! maybe tomorrow!
getting closer....

playdate with riggs

since sally was here for the pioneer woman, riggs came too! he and keller had so much fun playing together at grandma and granddad's house! and of course we took a bazillion pictures because that's what we do :) i can't believe how quickly keller is growing! he is really starting to interact more with riggs. he reaches out for him and tries to play with him. we're getting closer to sitting up by ourselves and when that happens i think they'll have alot more fun together! we had so much fun, wish you guys lived closer so we could have play dates at least once a week!
both wearing there "pete" shirts...this was not planned, we are an osu loving family people
keller: "hey dude" riggs: "i'm not sure about you all up in my grill"
lol, couldn't help posting this of keller's face, hilarious!!!
riggs taking keller down for the count!! :) not really, they play really well together, they just aren't in the same place developmentally yet so it's a little boring for riggs sometimes, but we're getting closer to sitting up!

THE pioneer woman!!

okay, so if you've never heard me talk about the pioneer woman (a.k.a. ree drummond) then you probably haven't been around me for more than 10 minutes...i'm pretty much obsessed with her blog. okay maybe not obsessed but i do read it more than once everyday. and if you have not checked it out...let me take this opportunity to encourage you to do so! disclaimer: your life will never be the same, don't say i didn't warn you. anyway, she was here in big d this week speaking and signing books. i have so been looking forward to this since i found out she was coming a couple months ago. it was a GREAT luncheon filled with yummy food from her cookbook, funny stories and fellowship with the fun people at your table! i was fortunate enough to get to have my mom, grandma and sister there (we were missing magpie, my other sister). i could go on and on and write 3 or 4 posts about how amazingly nice she is, or how witty she is, or how great and easy her recipes are...but i won't. just check out her blog and see for yourself :)
my grandma sylvia, my mom, sally (my older sister) and me at the luncheon
we even got to meet marlboro man!!
there she is!! at this point i was about to hyperventilate!!!
ring ching!! we were cresting ree who was a pi phi at usc


so in the hustle and bustle of everything else that was going on i completely forgot to post anything about our anniversary...this will be short and sweet. it was only 2 years so it wasn't a big milestone or anything, but chris did take me to a wonderfully romantic dinner that he had set up special for us at a local place. we had the best caesar salad, lamb (which i'd never tried), shrimp, steak, steamed vegetables and we even cheated and had banana's foster over cheesecake for dessert :) when we got to the territory there was the most beautiful flower arrangement waiting for me, 2 of my favorites...orchids and calla lilies. we can't wait for the next 102 years :)

keller's dedication

last sunday was baby dedication day at our church. i have been before when there have been 15-20 babies being dedicated...but keller's group was a small and intimate one :) it was only keller, hudson and his little nursery girlfriend landry kate! his dedication is something that we take very seriously and we are excited to see what God has in store for keller. unfortunately, i forgot to give my camera to my mom during the service soooo no pictures from the actual dedication..but here are some from after church.
i didn't even get a picture with all 3 of us, but if you look close, you can see chris' reflection in the window...he was taking the picture :)
keller checking out gg sylvia after church
he loves her very much, but he was a tiiiiired guy after his big day

Friday, April 9, 2010

60 days down...

okay, so yesterday was 60 DAYS!!!  meaning we only have 30 days left of this program!  i am down a total of 15 lbs and chris is down 24 lbs.  chris is a little frustrated because he hasn't been able to work out like he wants to the last 2 weeks so he feels like he's losing muscle mass, but other than that we are both still very motivated!  once you get to this point, it really does seem like it's all down hill from are seeing some pretty good results so you're encouraged, plus healthy eating is more of a habit now so you have fewer "bad" cravings and your body is in better shape so working out feels better.  plus you are really looking forward to the "finish line" so to speak and seeing just how different your body can look in just 90 short days.  i took a "before" picture, a 30 day, and now a 60 day picture.  i told chris yesterday i couldn't really see a big difference between 30-60 days but he went through and pointed some tone out and once i looked again i could see some change...either way i know my clothes are fitting much better and my body is shrinking.  plus i feel better all day long so that is worth it!   here is to really kicking my own rear for 30 (well 29 now) more days!!  bring it!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Praise the Lord, we serve a RISEN Savior!

happy easter to everyone!!
maggie, my younger sister...i love her :)
kyle, uncle ernest, aunt kathy (my dad's sister), my mom, my dad, maggie, keller and me, and chris
my handsome little man
happy easter to all!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

warm weather!!

the weather has been GORGEOUS this week!  keller got to bust out his swim trunks and his brand new flip flops from sally, jj and riggs.  he was very excited about getting to hang out and play in the sun...and i was excited to see his cute little legs and feet :)  
thanks auntie, uncle jj and riggs!!  i love my flip flops!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

keller and dagan's first playdate

before either of these little guys were born, chelsea (dagan's mom) and i had been discussing how they'd be best friends :)  and before either of us were even pregnant, keller's grandma and dagan's grandma were hoping they'd someday have grandkids that would be best buddies...and finally today they got to have their first play date!  dagan was born june 30th of '09, just 4 months before keller and he is the first little guy that keller met only a few days after he was born.  they had so much fun playing today.  dagan is crawling like a madman and pulling up on everything and well keller is more like a lump who jabber jaws non stop.  keller is also as big as dagan, so he was feeling kinda like a chunk :)  i enjoyed getting to catch up with chelsea and get filled in on details about the newest watson baby (due end of october)  he or she will be just 16 months younger than dagan, and i'm sure he or she will be just as adorable!   but like i said we had so much fun and we can't wait to have another playdate soon!  we wish you guys lived closer!
getting a good look at each other, not sure what to think...

dagan: "hey dude, wanna play?"
keller: "hmmm i'm not sure about this"

"keller, look over here, get outta that seat and let's play"

both of the handsome little guys mesmerized by chelsea and the monkey

these guys are going to be heartbreakers :)

baby boys and their mommies  
shortly after this picture they were holding each others arms, but we didn't get it on film lol, they were cute though