since sally was here for the pioneer woman, riggs came too! he and keller had so much fun playing together at grandma and granddad's house! and of course we took a bazillion pictures because that's what we do :) i can't believe how quickly keller is growing! he is really starting to interact more with riggs. he reaches out for him and tries to play with him. we're getting closer to sitting up by ourselves and when that happens i think they'll have alot more fun together! we had so much fun, wish you guys lived closer so we could have play dates at least once a week!

both wearing there "pete" shirts...this was not planned, we are an osu loving family people

keller: "hey dude" riggs: "i'm not sure about you all up in my grill"

lol, couldn't help posting this of keller's face, hilarious!!!

riggs taking keller down for the count!! :) not really, they play really well together, they just aren't in the same place developmentally yet so it's a little boring for riggs sometimes, but we're getting closer to sitting up!
we had so much fun with you and "teller" :) he's a big boy!