i can not believe my little man is 6 months old today! halfway to 1 year...where does the time go, seriously?!?! he is turning into a little boy day by day...he is now rolling EVERYWHERE, smiling and flirting with any girl that talks to him or looks his way, jabbering non stop (some sounds he can make are "ba" "ma" "woo" "da" "ha" "hi") he doesn't know what he's saying means, but i like to talk back to him anyway :) he is drooling and spitting all the time, he thinks it's funny to blow spit between his lips (imagine making a car sound..brrrrrr) he still thinks mommy and daddy are the funniest people he knows but he also LOVES grandma, granddad, riggs, his church nursery friends, and miss pollock his sunday school teacher. and we are of course missing mimi, abuelo, jackson and all our far away family :( here's hoping we'll get to make some summer trips! here are his "growing baby" pics for this month!

growing like a bad weed.... :)

towering over mr. monster man (whom he LOVES)

"mom this is so embarassing!"

blowing spit bubbles...his favorite thing :)
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