my favorite book.
now, assuming we are only talking fiction....this is an easy one for me. i LOVE to read, and although there are several authors that i know i can't go wrong with, i have never read a book that i loved as much as "redeeming love" by francine rivers. it tells a fictional story of a man and woman that so closely mirrors God's love for his children, easily the best fictional book i've ever read.

chris' favorite fictional book is also an easy one. catch 22 by joseph heller. when chris and i first met i remember seeing him at the local coffee shop reading this book like every day for several months and i just thought he was a sloooooow reader...turns out he had finished it 3 times and just kept starting over :) i've never read it, though i keep promising him i will, but apparently it's a great book!

Redeeming Love is one of my all time favorite books. I can read it over and over again.